
Blissfully Unaware

[an assignment for my descriptive essay class, regarding a sound from our childhood]

Spring was humid and sugar-coated. We drank hot May moisture through our pores and discovered the rebellious side of our sixth grade independence by walking to the park after school without the parental attachment of walkie-talkies. We waded into the river behind the dugout barefoot in spite of them, unconcerned with their cautions of broken glass and slippery moss.

We kicked off last summer’s flip-flops in the damp shade and plucked wide blades of crabgrass as we sat beside the baseball bleachers, bored, but with purpose. We were free, as far as we were concerned, and homework was the last thing on our minds; while we were there, there was nothing to remind us of obligation. Laughter echoed from the playground, poking at the small crowd’s subtle attempt for silence behind home plate, a small bubble of silence that was sliced instantly with the sharp but rounded plink! of the metal bat as it sent a baseball soaring above the cheer of the proud parents who were oogling towards outfield. We watched, but we mostly fished penny candy out of soft brown paper bags from Rambo’s and pried absentmindedly at their remains that were glued to our molars. We invaded the playground and didn’t touch the “lava” as we jumped from wooden platform to wooden platform and chatted in the branches of the cherry blossom tree.

Rambo’s General Store had been in business for over fifty years, yet the penny candy hardly ever sat for more than fifty minutes. Elbows pressed against the counter, we leaned forward while Annette patiently pointed at the glass candy jars in their dusty shelf cove, matching our eager descriptions with the accurate flavors and shapes and colors of the Sour Patch Kids that were always sorted into separate containers. There had always been packaged M&Ms and Skittles at the reach of small fingers, always flashy candies with plastic toys resembling characters of the newest Disney movie like they were the tabloids of the candy counter, but we'd rather watch our pennies weigh out before our eyes. We watched as she slowly pulled out each jar and removed the heavy lids that clunked like glass clogs on marble. The metal scooper rattled against the inside of the jar, chiming sporadically and creating an abstract melody closely resembling the perpetually amateur results of my few xylophone lessons with Mrs. Thompson. The lids were returned to their nests, each graze of glass against glass ringing heavily like bells made out of thick ice.

We didn’t know it was a pastime; we just did it. We walked, we giggled, we basked, and walked some more; we paid with pennies and nickels, hardly paying attention to scores or chores or the setting sun. We were drunk on spring and vitamin D; we were made delusional by the floral breeze and woke up with the sweet anticipation of afternoon singing from tree branches in the form of birdsong. I sat in a dazed existence of eternal present tense with surround-sound summer, knowing nothing of the borderlines of childhood or the word expectation.

a challenge: from DBT to ABT.

Change The Way You See Everything by Kathryn B. Cramer, Ph.D and Hank Wasiak during our 10-day escapade up the coast of California two summers ago, my family and i made a brief stop in Santa Barbara, mostly to see the beach, stop for dinner and do a bit of wandering downtown. following my father's heels into a used book shop, a common place for him to seek out when we travel, i stumbled across this book. the images and the bold fonts caught my eye first, but when i read further and began to understand its purpose, i felt the urgent need to purchase it and give it a try.

i suppose this counts as a "self-help" book, as it is designed to alter your outlook for the better. it guarantees to change the way you see yourself, others and situations through asset-based thinking, as opposed to deficit-based thinking. "DBT concentrates on personal gaps and weaknesses, what is bothersome and irritating about others, and what is not working or problematic, and holding us back," while through ABT, you "increase your focus on what is right... build[ing] enthusiasm and energy, strengthen[ing] relationships, and mov[ing] people and productivity to the next level." optimism. i like the sound of it.

so now that it's been over two years, i've finally decided to open the book with the intention of following through with the challenge, which i've read takes about three weeks of practice to really get it down. but i'm determined. i wouldn't say i'm a typically negative person, but there are times that i end up criticizing the way i view things. why not make my life a bit more positive? it'll be challenging, but i think i'm up for it.


regarding the spontaneous day of sunshine we experienced today, i'm realizing that i should probably address a necessity for sunlight. either i've been extremely deficient of vitamin D, or it's really been that gray and ugly for several months, but i couldn't help but feel euphoric sitting under a sunlight i hadn't recognized as march. it's that first experience of spring, when you feel warmth on your arms generating from a source that is not from within your own sleeves, it feels like it's been years since august, since you said the word summer and it held credibility. when it held weight, heat, truth. when i could walk and breathe at the same time, inhaling air that wasn't taught and frozen and dead, but infused with life and humidity. i could easily compare today's sensations with those that are experienced upon receiving an unexpected letter from a far-away friend. oh hey, sun. how you been?

i'm considering the conditions of something known as seasonal affective disorder. thank you, AP Psych. lack of sun exposure leads to symptoms similar to that of mild depression, feeling gloomy, for lack of a better word. when i get to thinking about sunnier climates, i question why i don't live in places like Florida or southern California. why don't we all live closer to the equator? is it just me, or aren't we all a little more grumpy when we're cold? waking up before daylight has often had an extremely dampening effect upon the rest of my day, for years. the cold in winter sure doesn't help, but waking up to sun, is like a promise that the day might actually feel like sun. like warmth. comfort. sun always has this analogy with happiness, but i'm actually believing it to be a legitimate relationship: sun evokes happiness.

sometimes, we feel aimless, and we are incapable of explaining why. i'd like to blame something once in a while, just to know there's a reason for it, and after today, winter sounds like a pretty suitable scapegoat for my persistent and contextually irrelevant gray demeanor over the past few weeks.

"keep me where the light is." –gravity by john mayer.

we keep saying someday.

hello, blog. i'd like to introduce my thoughts: they say time flies when you're having fun. time isn't flying, so i guess this period of my life isn't fun. the truth? i want to be miles from nineteen, to be in a place that i cannot currently forecast, and the anticipation's got a knife at my back.

nineteen is an inbetween of childhood and adulthood.

it's the only chance to grow up and learn the world while still holding the hand of your five-year-old tendencies. it's where i stand, stumped at a yearning for regression, yet understanding simultaneously that i'm one two three seconds older with the inevitable continuity of ticking time time time.

acting my age would be much easier if age weren't as elusive as the second hand.

it's a fragile tug of war between head and heart. my mind says grow up. move on, live, learn. my heart says remember. come back, laugh, love. i struggle between what is necessary and what i want: what i should do and what i feel like doing, as if there is no middle ground.

and maybe that's all i'm searching for. a middle ground. this balance between past and future, the one time i feel somewhat sure about who i was and who i want to be, yet still not completely able to define who i am. this? this is an attempt to address the middle-ground complex, to record my progress from inexperience to understanding through observations and irrational emotional outbursts. i want to actually understand the world i live in and not feel three feet tall when i have an opinion. i want to stop tripping over the trivial and the temporal and starting walking with the eternal, to meet some life long goals and maybe help them out a bit without losing the framework my childhood created. kudos to anyone who attempts to follow. i'm hoping i can make the distance.

disclaimer: i'm essentially the epitome of naiveté and a die-hard child at heart.

and by the way, i hate clichés, too. pardon my frequent usage, i'm working on it.

let's have some fun.