a challenge: from DBT to ABT.

Change The Way You See Everything by Kathryn B. Cramer, Ph.D and Hank Wasiak during our 10-day escapade up the coast of California two summers ago, my family and i made a brief stop in Santa Barbara, mostly to see the beach, stop for dinner and do a bit of wandering downtown. following my father's heels into a used book shop, a common place for him to seek out when we travel, i stumbled across this book. the images and the bold fonts caught my eye first, but when i read further and began to understand its purpose, i felt the urgent need to purchase it and give it a try.

i suppose this counts as a "self-help" book, as it is designed to alter your outlook for the better. it guarantees to change the way you see yourself, others and situations through asset-based thinking, as opposed to deficit-based thinking. "DBT concentrates on personal gaps and weaknesses, what is bothersome and irritating about others, and what is not working or problematic, and holding us back," while through ABT, you "increase your focus on what is right... build[ing] enthusiasm and energy, strengthen[ing] relationships, and mov[ing] people and productivity to the next level." optimism. i like the sound of it.

so now that it's been over two years, i've finally decided to open the book with the intention of following through with the challenge, which i've read takes about three weeks of practice to really get it down. but i'm determined. i wouldn't say i'm a typically negative person, but there are times that i end up criticizing the way i view things. why not make my life a bit more positive? it'll be challenging, but i think i'm up for it.
